Matt Mills VIP Member Benefits
Get all the amazing content of the member-only Gold Medal Formula which includes exclusive training tools, Matt Mills insider horse training tips & tricks. PLUS get the following amazing benefits:
Bi-Monthly Live Training
Gain access to live trainings twice a month with Matt. Interact live and get answers to your questions directly from Matt for your specific problems. All live training will be recorded so you can view these events at any time.
Matt Mills VIP Facebook Group Access
Get access to the Matt Mills VIP Facebook group. Interact with the VIP community aswell as Matt. Ask questions and help others.
Exclusive VIP Content
Matt will create exclusive instructional content for VIP members. He will create videos based on the interaction of the VIP Facebook group and the live trainings.
If you’re serious about taking your riding to the next level in the shortest amount of time possible I want to invite you to become part of my VIP membership program.
Get access to me through two live trainings each month where I can answer your questions live and demonstrate fixes and techniques for your specific questions.
Also gain access to our Facebook VIP page where your can interact with our amazing VIP community and me.
I am so excited to have you a part of our VIP program and look forward to seeing you on the inside!